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Delve into the modern history of Lebanon with Maabar, a documentary podcast series that offers a people-centered, multi-perspective view of the country’s past. As a seasoned podcast producer, I bring together the art of storytelling and the technique of oral history interviewing to create a podcast that is not just informative but also engaging. The first season of Maabar focuses on the civil war period between 1975-1990, offering a fresh perspective on the conflict through the stories of those who lived it. The podcast features a range of voices, from politicians and activists to ordinary citizens, each offering unique insights into the war and its aftermath. In the future, new seasons will delve deeper into the pre- and post-war period in Lebanon, offering a comprehensive view of the country’s history. Each episode is painstakingly researched, incorporating archival materials and other primary sources to provide an accurate and nuanced picture of the past. Join me on a journey into the heart of Lebanon’s history. With Maabar, let’s explore the past to better understand the present and envision a brighter future.
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Jessica Simon

Natalie’s work exceeded our expectations. Her exceptional skills in web development and design brought our vision to life, enhancing our online presence.

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User testimonial
Jessica Simon

I have been following this routine and became healthier by doing lorem ipsum proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean.